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This is an abridged version of the piece 'Debugme'. Originally, it was meant to be viewed as a Python script through a CLI (Command line interface) but has been translated to javascript to be viewed online.

Debugme is a piece with a story-like essence, read as a running python script. It evokes the feeling of parsing through endless loglines, while taking advantage of its generative qualities to create a more or less unique experience for each reader.

Loglines are lines of output that long running computer programs produce in order to provide the maintainers of the code with a sort of roadmap of the history of the program. They are typically of the form:

 < Timestamp > [Port number/ array id/ id] Message/ Error message

Debugme draws out emotion from the emotionless to humanize the experience, and develop a narrative. It turns the reader into a detective, but risks despair as both the main character and the reader are pulled down into the depths of the loglines, searching for a bug.

View original python script